What do we know about pets? What do we want to find out? Make a Copy

Digital Lesson Type: HyperDoc
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hyperdoc 1 grade Reading English


Which animal is a pet? (Display pictures of a domesticated animal and a wild animal—for example, a hamster in a cage and a zebra in the wild.)

Vocabulary—English: domesticated; wild; characteristics; nocturnal; category; representation; physical characteristics of the classroom pet (e.g., fin, fur, claws, gills, beak)

Outdoor Experiences
• Review Intentional Teaching Card
P21, “Hopping.” Follow the guidance
on the card.
Family Partnerships
• Send home a letter that introduces the
study to families. Invite families to
contribute photos of home pets, books
about pets, or toy animals to the class
• Invite a family member who works
with animals to demonstrate how
to meet and interact with new pets.
Examples of people who work with
animals include veterinarian, pet
trainer, shelter worker, and groomer.
Wow! Experiences
Day 3: Walk around the school to look
for pets

Read-Aloud :

Selection from the “Children’s
Books” list that features children
and their interesting pets
Fiction selection from the
“Children’s Books” list that
features pets.