What do we know about pets? What do we want to find out? Make a Copy
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hyperdoc 1 grade Reading English
Your Task :Children learn about animals and develop early learning skills through a pets unit for preschool and pre-K. Kids would like a pet, but convincing their parents is a challenging task! For students who do not have pets at home, our pet unit of study is always popular with them. As a result of the classroom transformation, they enjoy making their pets homes in the block area, giving their pets a bath at the water table, and changing the kitchen area into a pet shop.What's included in a pets unit? lesson plans, hands-on activities, centers, and theme-based activities.
Exploring the Topic:What do we know about pets? What do we want to find out?
Day 1.Do you have a pet?
Day 2.Which animal is a pet? (Display pictures of a domesticated animal and a wild animal—for example, a hamster in a cage and a zebra in the wild.)
Day 3.How many pets do you think we’ll see on our walk today?\
Day 4.Have you ever seen a pet like this? (Display photos of two pets that you have not yet discussed, such as a parrot and a hermit crab.)
Day 5. Did you see any pets on your way to school today?
Vocabulary—English: domesticated; wild; characteristics; nocturnal; category; representation;
physical characteristics of the classroom pet (e.g., fin, fur, claws, gills, beak)
Family Partnerships
• Send home a letter that introduces the study to families. Invite families to contribute photos of home pets, books about pets, or toy animals to the class collection.
• Invite a family member who works with animals to demonstrate how to meet and interact with new pets.
Examples of people who work with animals include veterinarian, pet trainer, shelter worker, and groomer.
Wow! Experiences
• Day 3: Walk around the school to look for pets
Read-Aloud :Selection from the “Children’s Books” list that features children and their interesting pets.
Fiction Book: Monday -Tuesday -Wednesday (https://www.pre-kpages.com/books-pets-preschool/)
Nonfiction Book :Thursday and Friday (https://shop.teachingstrategies.com/products/the-pets-we-love)
Large Group Why Are Some Animals Pets and Others Not
Photos of domesticated and wild animals
A domesticated animal is an animal that has been tamed and lives with humans. Domesticated animals can be companions, food sources, or working animals.
ART Task: Pet Art Activity Engage students in making this art activity. Paw Print Art Put out plates of brown paint and a variety of plastic animals. (dog, cat hamster, bird, rabbit,) Have children dip the feet of the animals in the paint and then walk them across their paper to create paw print art!
Materials Required: Small pet toys (dog, cat hamster, bird, rabbit) Objectives: (with prompting): Students will attempt to sit for the activity. Students will attempt to touch the materials. Students will attempt to hold the marker. Students will attempt to engage in conversation with a peer. Standards: PKATL.3: Approaches tasks, activities, and problems with creativity, imagination and/or willingness to try new experiences or activities. PK.PDH.5: Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and dexterity needed to manipulate objects. PK.ELAL.24. [PKSL.6] Expresses thoughts, feelings, and ideas (e.g., roleplaying, music, drawing, art work, building, writing). PK.ELAL.9 [PKR.5] Interacts with a variety of genres (e.g., storybooks, poems, songs) PK.ELAL.5. [PKR.1.] Participates in discussions about a text (e.g., during whole or small group interactive read aloud discussions, during peer sharing, within play scenarios)
SCIENCE: Task: Science- Fish Investigation Procedure: Students will learn about what toys do we have in the science center Life science fish investigation think most of us have fish and watched them grow. Add a sorting tray with food, fish books, journals, magnifying glasses, and tweezers, and chart the growth to your science table. That fish tank thing in the photo is my home for our fish. Materials: Fish and fish tank ,water, light, food fish ,fish books . Objectives: Students will come to the activity. Students will attempt to touch the materials. Students will attempt to play and explore the toys. Students will attempt to use language verbally, PEC board, gestures, sounds.
Standards: PK.PDH.5: Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and dexterity needed to manipulate objects. PK.PDH.1. Uses senses to assist and guide learning PKATL.3: Approaches tasks, activities, and problems with creativity, imagination and/or willingness to try new experiences or activities. PK.AL.4. Exhibits curiosity, interest, and willingness to learn new things and have new experiences. |