The Power of Perception in Self-Images Make a Copy

Digital Lesson Type: HyperDoc
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hyperdocs 10 grade English English



Platform: HyperDoc


Learning Objective:  

Students will analyze perception as it relates to self-image by investigating the themes in Sarah Mervosh’s article "How Do You See Your Selfie?" and reflecting on their personal experiences with social media.




Activity Breakdown:


Step 1: Read the Article (Critical Reading)

- Link: [How Do You See Your Selfie? by Sarah Mervosh]( 

Instructions: Read the article carefully. Take notes on key themes related to self-perception and social media, focusing on Mervosh's arguments about how selfies impact the way we see ourselves.


Step 2: Watch a Documentary Excerpt (Visual Learning)

- Link: [Documentary on Self-Perception and Social Media](

- Instructions: Watch the selected excerpt that explores how social media influences self-image. While watching, jot down important points that connect with the article and your own experiences.


Step 3: Create a Personal Reflection (Creative Expression and Writing)

- Instructions: Write a reflective piece (300-500 words) about your own experiences with selfies and social media. Consider the following prompts to guide your writing:

  - How do you feel about the selfies you take?

  - Do you think social media has influenced your self-image positively or negatively?

  - Reflect on a time when a selfie made you feel particularly confident or insecure.


Step 4: Share and Discuss (Peer Interaction)

- Instructions: Post your reflection in the Google Classroom discussion thread. Read at least two classmates' reflections and respond with thoughtful feedback or questions. Consider how their experiences relate to your own.



By completing this activity, students will gain insight into the impact of perception on self-image while engaging critically with social media narratives.