My Favorite Kicks Make a Copy

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English 7 grade 8 grade 9 grade 10 grade English English


TitleTell Your Story Through Video: My Favorite Kicks

Grade: 7th Grade

Subject: English Language Arts

Duration: 1hr 30min Block

Learning Objective:

Students will create an IMotion video using the iMotion app to tell a personal story about their favorite shoes, focusing on descriptive language, storytelling techniques, and creativity in visual expression.


Essential Question:

What story do your favorite shoes tell about you?


  1. Watch the following short video clip about the significance of shoes in people's lives: [].
  2. Discuss with a partner:
    • Why do shoes matter in the video?
    • What can shoes represent in a person's life?
    • What do your favorite shoes say about you?

Reflection Prompt:

  • In a few sentences, describe your favorite shoes. What makes them unique to you?



You will create a short video using the iMotion app to tell a story about your favorite shoes. Your story should show why they are important to you and what they say about your life.


  • Check out this sample motion video: [].
  • Notice how the video uses angles, close-ups, and motions to tell a visual story. Think about how you can do the same for your shoes.


Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Motion Video:

  1. Plan Your Story
    • Use the Storyboard Template [].
    • Write a short script (3-5 sentences) about your favorite shoes. Include:
      • Description of the shoes (color, texture, condition).
      • The story behind them (how you got them, memories tied to them).
      • Why they are meaningful to you.
  2. Set Up iMotion
    • Open the iMotion app on your device.
    • Choose "New Movie" and select "Stop Motion."
    • Practice moving your shoes and capturing different angles.
  3. Capture Your Story
    • Record short clips (5-10 seconds each) showing different aspects of your shoes.
    • Think about how the movement of the shoes or camera will enhance your story.
    • Use descriptive angles and background props that connect with your narrative.


Create Your Video

  • Use your storyboard and script to guide the filming of your motion video.
  • Record multiple scenes that show the importance of your shoes.
  • Edit the video in the iMotion app to ensure it flows smoothly.
  • Add text, narration, or background music to emphasize the story (optional).


Written Reflection:

After completing your video, respond to the following questions:

  • How did you express the significance of your shoes through the video?
  • What challenges did you face in using motion to tell your story?
  • How did creating this video help you think about storytelling in a new way?

Peer Review:

Watch a classmate's video and give them feedback using the "Two Stars and a Wish" format:

  • Two Shoes: What two things did they do well?
  • One Shoe: What is one thing they could improve or add?


Gallery Walk:

  • We will have a video showcase where everyone gets to present their final motion video to the class.
  • Be ready to explain your creative choices and the story behind your shoes.


  • Video Rubric: Evaluate based on creativity, clarity of storytelling, effective use of the iMotion app, and effort in producing the final product.
  • Reflection Rubric: Evaluate based on depth of reflection, understanding of the storytelling process, and effort in peer feedback.