SouthWest Asia Make a Copy

Digital Lesson Type: Undefined
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middle school 7 grade geography English


This lesson lets students have accessible digital tools and inquiry-based learning to explore and work as a team uncovering Southwest Asian culture together; it i offers an interactive experience. It will be a lesson that follows a structured Engage, Explore, Apply, and Reflect model.

Engage: Students will be asked to watch an introductory video on the topic of Southwest Asia's geography and culture and then join a group to share their initial observations.

Explore: By means of selected articles, videos, and websites, students get to know different aspects of language, religion, food, as well as cultural traditions in Southwest Asia.

Apply: A Venn Diagram, digital poster, or short writing activity will be used that the students compare and contrast their own culture with that of the Southwest Asia region.

Reflect: The learners will accomplish a Google Form reflection, which is used to integrate learned information and discuss the importance of cultural diversity.

As a consequence of this lesson, students will improve the understanding of cultural diversity, global interconnectedness, and the history of Southwest Asia. The collaborative activities ensure student engagement while fostering critical thinking and digital literacy.