Earth system and water cycle Make a Copy

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6th grade 6 grade Science English


 In this unit, students will develop a comprehensive understanding of how Earth’s systems interact through the water cycle. The core concepts students will explore include: Interconnectedness of Earth’s Systems: Students will grasp how the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere work together to support life and maintain balance on Earth. They will understand that changes in one system can affect the others, illustrating the complexity and interdependence of these natural processes. The Water Cycle’s Processes: Students will explore the continuous movement of water through the stages of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection. They will learn how energy from the sun and the force of gravity drive these processes, demonstrating how water moves between the atmosphere and Earth's surface. Impact of Human Activities: Students will examine how human actions, such as pollution and urbanization, can disrupt the natural water cycle and affect the environment. They will learn to identify these impacts and discuss ways to reduce their negative effects. Scientific Modeling and Explanation: Students will develop the skills to create models that represent the water cycle and its processes. They will practice explaining how their models illustrate the movement and transformation of water, enhancing their ability to communicate scientific ideas.