Teaching Adjectives and Opposites To ESL Students Make a Copy

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English ESL ESL class All Grades Teacher English Language Arts English


Why teaching adjectives works

An adjective is a word that describes a noun and helps provide more meaning. Many ESL students struggle with them and the reason for this is unknown by ESL teachers. Perhaps it is because ESL textbooks focus too much on verba and as a result, students put more emphasis on memorizing them. Alternatively, it could be that adjectives are difficult to pronounce or the fact that English uses adjectives a bit differently than many other languages. There are many reasons students struggle with understanding adjectives. With this, it’s important to start teaching students adjectives early on and consistently throughout their learning journey. 

You will learn about the importance of adjective exercises and you will be introduced to some fun lesson plans that you can use with your ESL students. Whether you’re teaching business students or teens, this lesson plan is guaranteed to help your students describe and discuss.

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