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Digital Lesson Type: HyperDoc
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Health 8 grade 9 grade health English


Health Lesson Plans


Lesson 20, Fitness and You

Learning Intentions

Success Criteria

  • Describe the five areas of health-related fitness.

  • Improve each of the five areas of health-related fitness.

Warm Up

Instructional Video/Activity

Write a brief paragraph describing what being physically fit means to you.


Idk walk to parkside


Describe how you could improve your muscular strength and endurance.



Watch this video.


Describe how you could improve your flexibility.


Idk if i can asma


Describe how you could lower your body composition.


Write here.


Scroll Down!!!

Additional Resources

Exit Ticket


Describe the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises.


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Identify the five areas of health related fitness.


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