Modernism in Faulkner's As I Lay Dying Make a Copy

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IMPORTANT: Over the summer of 2019, my Google Drive was systematically wiped and everything was irretrievably lost (long, deep, suffering sigh!).  I'm slowly working on reconstructing all my HyperDoc.  At this time, this HyperDoc is NOT available.  I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I am working to fix the problem.  Thanks for your understanding.

This is a HyperDoc that I created for my 8th grade students.  Over the many years, it became evident that many (if not most) of my students had little awareness of what 9/11 was.  I created this "virtual tour" to give my students a sense of what happened and why we still must remember.

*Special note: while there are images and footage of destruction, I made a conscience effort to not show death.  The two exceptions can be found on the Daily Beast website, as you view the iconic images of 9/11.  You will see a photo of the first fatality, New York City Fire Department chaplain Rev. Mychal Judge, and a photo of the "falling man."  While it was my preference to not include the "falling man," the other images on this site were too important to not include.