Total: 722 Digital Lessons
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Modal Verbs - Ability - Can -Could - Off2Class ESL Lesson Plan

This lesson plan is a great introduction to modal verbs. It is designed for beginner students and focuses on the use of can and can’t to discuss ability, possibility and permissions. Throughout this lesson, students can practice both the positive and negative forms of can and could. In addition, students will study common questions and short answer prompts used in spoken English. If you want additional lesson plans and support, including teachers’ notes, be sure to register for a free Off2Class account.

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Teaching The Past Simple Tense To ESL Students - Off2Class ESL Lesson Plan

"When teaching the past simple, keep it simple This engaging lesson plan focuses on the simple past tense verbs that end with -ed. It is a comprehensive, simple and engaging lesson—just stick to the materials provided. You can introduce it to beginner students or use it as a review with intermediate students. Throughout the lesson students will then have the opportunity to use this newly learned knowledge to describe images. They will also complete gap-fill exercises and read full sentences in English. Finally, they will make their own sentences using the past simple tense. As the lesson progresses, be sure to encourage students to speak in full sentences but also applaud them for their great efforts. If you want additional lesson plans and support, including teachers’ notes, be sure to register for a free Off2Class account."

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On Vacation Planning Your Destination – An ESL Lesson Plan

"How to use this lesson plan? This is a fantastic lesson plan to use with students of all ages and backgrounds. I’ve never met a student who doesn’t enjoy planning vacation destinations – even travel agents love this lesson! This is also one of my favorite lesson plans to use with new students because it is relevant to most people, regardless of age or profession. I’ll often use it to help me grasp their level of English if they’re apprehensive about taking a placement test. It’s also a fun activity to use in a corporate classroom setting as Business English students often need a relaxed day in class. If you want additional lesson plans and support, including teachers’ notes, be sure to register for a free Off2Class account."

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Speaking - Urban Social Issue - Off2Class ESL Lesson Plan

"Urban Social and Issues This advanced lesson plan introduces vocabulary related to pollution, poverty and other issues found in urban settings. It provides plenty of thought-provoking questions to get your students talking and engaged with the material. If you want additional lesson plans and support, including teachers’ notes, be sure to register for a free Off2Class account."

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A Vocabulary Lesson Plan On Sports And Leisure

Sports and Leisure

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Counting coins

This hyperdoc is about learning the value of coins

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Teaching The Passive Voice: An Introductory ESL Lesson

"When to start teaching the passive voice? This lesson is the first in a series of ten lessons about the passive voice. These ten lessons are great for helping students grasp this difficult concept. With that being said, you should avoid using this lesson with beginner students. Instead, it is great for pre-Intermediate students but can also be used with intermediate learners for a review. If you want additional lesson plans and support, including teachers’ notes, be sure to register for a free Off2Class account."

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Teaching The Past Perfect Simple – An ESL Lesson Plan For Teachers

"What is the Past Perfect Tense? In English, the past perfect tense is used to describe the relationship between two actions that happened in the past. Using had + past participle makes the order of the two events clear. For example, one can say, “I had studied English before I moved to Australia”. This sentence is clear and concise. As well, one can see the past perfect contained in the if clause in the third conditional. Ultimately, the past perfect is used in complex sentences, which may be why new English learners are so intimidated by it. Don’t worry, with practice your students will be confident expressing their ideas using the past perfect. If you want additional lesson plans and support, including teachers’ notes, be sure to register for a free Off2Class account."

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The Mystery Of Easter Island ESL Lesson Plan

"When to teach this Easter Island lesson plan? This lesson starts with a simple warm-up where you can ask your students) to identify different land formations. From here you can work with them by using the question prompts provided. The pictures provided should provide context and also spark conversation. Upon completion of the warm-up, reading activities can be introduced. You will notice that besides the texts there are different vocabulary words defined. If your students are having trouble understanding the meaning of them, you can look up supplementary pictures online. If you want additional lesson plans and support, including teachers’ notes, be sure to register for a free Off2Class account."

Lesson subject
  • Algebra
  • Archaeology
  • Art
  • Biology
  • Botany
  • Calculus
  • Chemistry
  • Computer science
  • Drama
  • Economics
  • English
  • French
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • Geometry
  • Health
  • History
  • Literature
  • Math
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Professional Development
  • Language Arts
  • Science
  • World Languages
  • Reading
Ideal grade
  • 1 grade
  • 2 grade
  • 3 grade
  • 4 grade
  • 5 grade
  • 6 grade
  • 7 grade
  • 8 grade
  • 9 grade
  • 10 grade
  • All Grades
  • Admin
  • 11 grade
  • 12 grade
  • Teacher
  • Spanish
  • English
  • Russian
  • Japanese
  • French
  • German
  • Arabic
Subject focus area
  • Mixtures and Solutions
  • Greece
  • 6th grade
  • thinglink
  • design process
  • 4th
  • 5th
  • 6th
  • science
  • hyperdoc
  • egg drop
  • nasa
  • mars
  • fourth grade
  • simple machines
  • gafe
  • google apps for education
  • google slides
  • hyperdocs
  • ngss